God of mischief, lies...and stories!
In the finale of Loki season 2, Loki brings about a significant change as he destroyed the Temporal Loom and saved all the branched timelines. Transforming into a living Temporal Loom for the Sacred Timeline, Loki becomes a brand-new god and is now integral
to the stability of the entire multiverse.
With meticulous attention to detail, the 1/6th scale God Loki collectible figure based on Loki (Season 2) live-action series, showcases Loki's latest appearance and powerful presence. From the screen-accurate costume to the intricate sculpting of his
features, every aspect has been carefully crafted to reflect his elevated status and the responsibilities he now carries.
Exquisitely crafted based on the screen appearance of Tom Hiddleston as God Loki in the finale, the figure features a newly developed head sculpt with separate rolling eyeballs. The fabric costume has been finely tailored to match Loki's on-screen appearance,
ensuring an accurate and visually stunning portrayal. His iconic horned helmet is magnetically attachable, completing the authentic look. Additionally, a throne painted in metallic gold, timeline effects, hand effects, themed backdrop, and a display
base to enhance the display options and allow for creative posing.
The new God Loki figure is a sure way to show off your Marvel fandom!
#GodLoki #Loki #TomHiddleston #marvelstudios #Marvel #HotToysCollectibles #SixthScale